Brianna Dick

The short answer is ABSOLUTELY
What is Dog Separation Anxiety?
"Whether in a puppy or an adult dog, separation anxiety is when your dog exhibits extreme stress from the time you leave him alone until you return. The symptoms can vary, but he will act as if he’s terrified to be in the house on his own. Although we can’t know for sure what’s in a dog’s mind, we can think of SA as the equivalent of a panic attack.
Here’s the good news: As the responsible owner of a new puppy or dog, hopefully, you’re already laying the foundation for a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog. Puppy training, socialization, crate training, and teaching your dog or puppy how to enjoy being alone all contribute. Therefore, many of the recommendations here are things you are already doing or have done. That said, SA does present some unique challenges."
Why do dogs develop separation anxiety?
Put simply, we humans often create it. Myself, employees and collogues worked tens of thousands of separation anxiety cases over the past 11 years years and the vast majority stem from #1 lack of practicing separation from our dogs when we're home and #2 their is no relationship based on leadership and rules in the house. (i.e the dog does whatever it wants whenever it wants). You might be wondering why having structure contributes to separation anxiety, how can your dog feel safe without you when they are burden with decision making in every other aspect of your relationship? They can't. If your dog is struggling with separation anxiety, there's a breakdown in the relationship and overall physical and mental needs of the dog that need to be address.
How can out dogs be good at separation if we never enforce it when we're home?
Tip #1 - Crate Train your dog WHILE YOU'RE HOME
I know what you might be thinking, but HOW do I crate train my dog? Watch these videos to help: 1.
Tip #2 - Condition them to place
Tip #3 -Focus on Structured Exercise
Mental and physical fulfillment are fundamental to addressing any behavioral concern in your dog. If they are not receiving adequate fulfillment on a daily basis this will cause rise to many different behavioral concerns.
Running your dog in the backyard, dog park or playing fetch are NOT aqueduct forms of fulfillment, but daily structured walks are!
Tip #4 - Mindful vs. Impulsive Dog
When you have a dog dealing with separation anxiety often times we have a dog struggling with impulse control. We can help teach out dogs impulse control with the above activates. Really consider and think about how often your dog has to think before doing anything.
Separation Anxiety is Nuanced
If you need help with your dog who is struggling, reach out to our professional dog training team so we can offer the support you need.
